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Home School Agreement



The School will:

  • Respect children as individuals – their rights, values and beliefs
  • Expect high standards of behaviour through the upholding of school rules, encouraging good relationships and fostering a sense of responsibility
  • Strive to promote each child’s health, safety and happiness
  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum and endeavour to meet the needs of individual children
  • Encourage each child to do their best at all times and achieve their full potential
  • Encourage children to take care of their surroundings
  • Let parents know about any concerns or problems that affect their child’s work, behaviour, attendance and punctuality
  • Arrange parents’ meetings and open evenings during which their child’s progress will be discussed
  • Keep parents informed about school matters


I will try to:

  • Treat others as I would like to be treated
  • RememberArden’s Golden Rules
  • Attend school regularly and on time
  • Accept responsibility for the things I do
  • Do all my class work and homework as well as I can and ask for help if I need it
  • Remember to bring the things I need to school
  • Be polite, helpful and considerate to others
  • Remember that I represent my school both inside and outside of it
  • Keep the school free from litter and take care of school property


As a parent/carer, I/we will try to:

  • Ensure my child attends school regularly and arrives punctually
  • Provide an explanation if my child is absent
  • Avoid taking holidays in term-time
  • Keep school informed of where to contact us in an emergency
  • Make sure my child comes to school wearing suitable clothing in line with the school’s code of dress and that PE/Games kit is brought into school each week
  • Attend interviews to discuss my child’s progress
  • Make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour
  • Support the school’s policies and guidelines
  • Help in fostering good behaviour and discipline, including the upholding of school rules
  • Support and encourage my child in homework and other opportunities for home learning
  • I have read an understand the Safeguarding statement shown below:


Safeguarding children in our school is the responsibility of everyone.

As such, all the staff in our school have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. This duty is placed upon the school by Section 175 of the Education Act 2002.

This means that we have a Designated Officer for Child Protection. In our school this is Miss Haddock.

If we are concerned that a child may be at risk from significant harm (abuse) or is being abused school is required to refer their concerns onto Social Care and the Police if necessary. In some circumstances this may happen without the consent or knowledge of parents/carers.

School also has a responsibility to act upon other concerns that they may have about a child’s welfare in circumstances where there are no suspicions of child abuse. Examples of this may be when a child is demonstrating inappropriate behaviour, is involved in bullying, is failing to come to school or where difficulties at home are having  and effect on the child’s well being. However, this list is by no means exhaustive.

InStockport there is an expectation that school will always discuss these issues with parents/carers before deciding upon a course of action to support the child.

Our school has a safeguarding policy which explains all the above in much more detail. If you would like to see the policy please contact school to find the best way to access it easily.

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