School Association

What is the Arden School Association?

The Arden School Association raises funds which are reinvested into goods and services which will enhance our children's education. We also organise and run events, such as discos, fairs, pantomimes and raffles - and much more!

Over the last few years, the ASA has raised over 16,000 and provided new playground markings, trim trails, book bags for Reception children, iPads, interactive whiteboards and much more.

Everybody is welcome at ASA meetings and can do as much or as little as they are able. Good ideas are always needed for new and exciting ways to raise money - why not come and join us and share your thoughts?

For further information about the ASA, or if you'd like to get involved, please email

Charity Number 1154782

Shaun - Chair of Arden School Association

I have recently taken over as the Chair for Arden ASA (PTA), and I want to ensure that all money raised by the ASA is to support every child in Arden.

I want to make sure that all parents/ carers and their children are heard, so if you have any ideas or suggestions please feel free to speak to me in the playground, message me or drop me an email, I am always happy to talk.

My son has attended Arden since nursery, and we have been extremely pleased with his progress as he moves through the years. I am also a foster carer and have been thankful for the school's support as they have gone above and beyond to support us.

I look forward to working together to ensure our children have the best possible start as they journey through their education at Arden. 

Meet the team!



I work full time as Creative Lead for an accessories brand. I am a solo parent to a little boy in Year 1 at Arden Primary School. I love adventures, old things, crafting and Pilates!



I have been the treasurer of the ASA since 2015. I have 4 children aged 17, 14, 8 and 3. My 8 year old is in year 3 at Arden and my 3 year old will start Reception in September. I am also a student nurse and due to qualify in August 2023!



I have three daughters. The eldest has moved on from Arden now and my younger two are in Y5 and Y1. I work as a nail technician and love all things creative!



As a former Arden parent I’m delighted to remain on board this amazing team. My daughter benefited from funds raised over the years and we feel it’s important to give something back for the future generations.



My little ones are in Year 1 and Nursery, and I joined the PTA to not only bring a diverse perspective but also contribute where I can to the school community. Working full time as a Data Analyst leaves little room or time for a creative outlet so the PTA is a good extra-curricular that brings both purpose and joy.



My name is Laura and I’m mum to two girls, one in Y1 and another who is soon to be in Reception! I joined the ASA to help organise some fantastic events and activities for the children and the families of Arden Primary and I'm looking forward to what we have in store for 2023.