
We recognise that transition periods in primary school are critical for children's academic and social development. A strong transition ensures that children move smoothly from one stage of their education to the next, reducing anxiety and encouraging a positive attitude towards learning. This period is essential as it sets the foundation for future learning experiences and helps in building a child's confidence and sense of security.

A seamless transition helps maintain academic momentum, ensuring that children do not experience learning gaps. This consistency supports better academic outcomes and keeps children engaged in their education. Effective transitions help children adjust to new environments and routines, which can significantly reduce anxiety and stress. This stability allows children to develop healthy relationships with their peers and teachers. When transitions are managed well, children feel more comfortable and motivated to participate in classroom activities. This engagement promotes a positive attitude towards school and learning. 

When children are allocated a place in our Nursery each September, our Nursery staff conduct home visits in the Summer term prior them starting.

These visits facilitate a smooth transition for young children from home to school by familiarising them with, and building a sense of trust with, their new teachers. Home visits provide an opportunity for teachers to gain valuable insights into each child's home life, allowing for more tailored and responsive teaching approaches. 

Additionally, our home visits help to nurture strong positive relationships between parents and teachers, encouraging open communication and collaboration in support of each child's development. This personalised interaction helps identify any specific needs or concerns early on, ensuring that each child receives the best possible start to their educational journey with us at Arden.

At Arden Primary School, children joining Reception benefit from a thoughtfully designed transition process that helps ease them into their new school environment.

In the summer term prior to children joining us each September, children attend 'stay and play' sessions with their parents. These sessions provide an opportunity for children to familiarise themselves with the school setting, meet their peers and Early Years staff, and engage in fun, structured activities. Theses sessions offer parents the chance to interact with staff and learn more about the school's approach to early years education. This combination of personalised welcome and interactive sessions ensures a smooth and positive start to school life for both children and their families.


Our Reception teachers visit children in their nursery or pre-school settings each Summer term.  These visits allow teachers to observe children in a familiar environment, gaining insights into their social interactions, learning styles and individual needs. This shared understanding helps tailor the transition process and our curriculum offer to better support each child's development.

Additionally, meeting the children and nursery staff beforehand fosters continuity between nursery and school, easing potential anxieties for children and families. These visits also provide an opportunity to establish early communication with nursery practitioners and parents, ensuring a cohesive approach to each child's education and wellbeing from the outset.


Before starting in Reception, each child receives a hand-addressed envelope containing a golden ticket from the school. This ticket features a QR code which, when scanned, allows them to watch a special welcome video, introducing them to their new school environment! Click here to watch this special video.


At Arden Primary School, we ensure a smooth transition from the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) to Key Stage 1 (KS1) through effective communication, familiarisation activities and continuity in learning. Our EYFS and KS1 teachers collaborate regularly to discuss each child’s needs, sharing strategies and maintaining a seamless progression in learning objectives. We keep parents informed through information sessions and updates, helping them support their children at home.

We organise classroom visits and transition days for EYFS children to acclimate them to the KS1 environment. Incorporating play-based and experiential learning in KS1 helps bridge the gap. We use EYFS assessment data to tailor instruction and support, ensuring individualised learning paths.

Emotional and social support is crucial. We build resilience and independence in EYFS and provide additional emotional support from our Pastoral Team for those who need it.

Our classroom environments include familiar elements from EYFS and we maintain flexible routines initially in KS1 to ease the transition. Professional development for our teachers ensures they are well-equipped to support young children’s needs.

Parental involvement is vital. We offer regular workshops and provide parents with resources to help them to support their children at home. Regular feedback from parents helps us improve our transition strategies.

We continuously monitor and evaluate our transition process, making adjustments based on feedback from teachers, parents, and children. This comprehensive approach ensures a positive start to our children’s primary education journey at Arden.

We ensure a smooth transition from Key Stage 1 (KS1) to Key Stage 2 (KS2) by maintaining a consistent approach to learning. This continuity supports the progression in all subjects, building on foundations laid from early years through to primary school. Our focus is on helping children become fluent and independent readers, consolidating the skills developed during KS1.

As children move into KS2, they are encouraged to take on increasing responsibilities both in their learning and within the school community. This gradual increase in responsibility helps them develop confidence and readiness for the challenges ahead.

To reduce cognitive load and facilitate learning, we employ consistent teaching approaches such as Ready Steady Write for writing, White Rose for maths, and the same approach to source analysis in geography, history, and art. These approaches ensure that children can apply familiar techniques and build upon their prior knowledge as they encounter new concepts and subjects in KS2.

By maintaining a cohesive learning environment and nurturing the skills developed in KS1, we support children in their academic journey from Key Stage 1 through to Key Stage 2, preparing them for continued success in their education at Arden Primary School.