Religion, Values and Beliefs

Subject Lead: Mrs Fitzpatrick

‘Living in and growing up in the world of the twenty-first century will challenge all young people. It will raise questions of spirituality and identity as well as questions of morality in areas such as poverty, discrimination and the use of limited resources as well as raising ethical questions about human reproduction, racial and religious prejudice. RE in our schools contributes dynamically to children and young people’s learning in school, provoking challenging questions about human life, beliefs, communities and ideas…They think rigorously, creatively, imaginatively and respectfully about their ideas in relation to religions and world views.’  - Stockport Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2022-2027.

In Religion, Values and Beliefs, the children explore, consider and respect a range of religions, world views and ideas. The children will understand the importance that RVB plays in many people’s lives and how faith is expressed in daily lives and routines. The knowledge and understanding of how religious beliefs shape life and behaviour will empower the children to form personal opinions and values. They develop the ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues and learn to develop and express their insights with compassion. The children will be prepared to find their place in a diverse and ever changing world. 


Teachers at Arden follow the Stockport Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. Through the syllabus we implement an RVB curriculum that is challenging, inspiring and progressive. Children develop rich knowledge of religions and worldviews and use this to increase their levels of religious literacy and conceptual understanding. 

At Arden we ensure that sufficient time is given in order to enable pupils to meet expectations set out within the Agreed Syllabus and Years 1- 6 follow the same structure for lessons to allow for consistency.

In KS1 and KS2 the Agreed Syllabus is separated into 3 strands - Believing, Expressing and Living. These strands are then broken down into questions, with a minimum of 3 questions per year.  Some of these key questions are split across two years to explore major celebrations in more detail and to revisit and recall past learning as the children encounter new content. 

In EYFS the children encounter religious and non-religious worldviews through special people, books, times, places and objects. They are introduced to subject specific vocabulary which they can build on as they enter KS1.

We have access to a range of resources to enhance teaching and learning. This includes regular visits from charitable organisations such as Christians in School. Visitors work alongside teachers to deliver high quality workshops that link directly with the Agreed Syllabus to aid with understanding, enjoyment and progress. 


Evidence through pupil voice, coupled with outcomes in books, will show that children can confidently articulate and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of religion and world views. 

We scrutinise the efficiency of our teaching approach and its impact on children's knowledge, understanding and progress through:

  • Providing multiple opportunities for pupils to show what they know, such as discussions, written evidence, AFL questions, quizzes, artwork, and drama activities
  • Subject leader monitoring
  • Learning walks
  • Lesson observations
  • Lesson drop insWeekly 'Friday Flicks'
  • Pupil voice
  • School Improvement Team liaison
  • Governor visits
  • RVB 'One Voice' documentation
  • Teacher judgment based on observations throughout the unit to assess pupils’ levels
  • Encouraging pupils to share their knowledge and discuss their ideas and beliefs, showing progression in confidence and understanding