At Arden the children are at the centre of all we do.  We want them to develop into the most social, emotional, moral, spiritual and resilient young people to go on into adulthood.  Here, we teach PSHE, (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) through a planned programme of learning, where our children acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to successfully manage their lives - now and in the future.  

Early Years

Within the EYFS curriculum, we aim to foster a nurturing environment where children can develop the skills and understanding necessary to form positive relationships, practice mutual respect, and celebrate diversity.

We proudly deliver the 'Think Equal' programme, an initiative designed to promote social and emotional learning. This programme helps children recognize and appreciate differences, encouraging inclusive attitudes and anti-discriminatory behaviors. By engaging with 'Think Equal', children learn about equality, empathy, and the importance of treating everyone with kindness and respect.

Children are guided by adults who serve as positive role models, helping them to develop a strong sense of belonging and self-worth. We place a significant emphasis on role play as a means for children to explore and understand their own culture as well as the cultures of others. This approach not only fosters an appreciation for diversity but also helps children see the similarities that unite us all.

A key aspect of our PSHE provision in the EYFS is the development of a positive self-image and high self-esteem. We believe that confident children are better equipped to seize opportunities, communicate effectively, and engage with the world around them. Through consistent interaction with the same adults and peers, children build stable, meaningful relationships that enhance their social competence and emotional resilience.

At Arden, we encourage children to think critically and practice problem-solving skills, empowering them to face challenges with confidence. By supporting their social and emotional development through structured programmes like 'Think Equal', we prepare our young learners to navigate and contribute to an increasingly diverse and interconnected world.

Years 1 - 6 

From Year 1 to Year 6 we deliver the Jigsaw Scheme of Learning. This mindful programme helps children address their needs and build strong relationships with their teachers. Jigsaw integrates PSHE with Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), Emotional Literacy, Mindfulness, Social Skills, Spiritual Development, Financial Literacy, Online Safety, and British Values. Our curriculum is tailored to reflect the cultural, religious, and social backgrounds of our pupils, ensuring relevance and inclusivity.

As a whole school, we follow the myHappymind programme. This initiative is designed to equip our children with the preventative strategies, skills, and tools necessary to thrive in the modern world, preparing them for the challenges of tomorrow.

Our commitment to a supportive learning environment is evident throughout school life. We achieve this through a genuine and embedded whole-school approach, featuring progressive and spiral core programmes, linked assemblies, shared vocabulary, adult modelling, and connections to beliefs and world views. This holistic strategy ensures that the behaviours and values instilled in our children and staff permeate every aspect of school life, shaping the very fabric of how Arden functions.

Our curriculum's design as a whole-school approach means that all year groups work on the same theme, or 'Puzzle', simultaneously. Each Puzzle begins with an introductory assembly, creating a unified focus for both adults and children.

To inspire aspirations and link school to future opportunities, we hold a Careers Fair every two years for Year 5 and 6 pupils. This event provides a valuable opportunity for children to explore various career paths and understand the lifelong learning opportunities available to them. Parents, carers, past pupils, and local professionals participate as stall holders, offering a broad perspective on potential futures.

By embedding these programmes and practices into our daily routines, we ensure that every child at Arden is supported in their personal and social development, nurturing a sense of belonging, confidence, and resilience that will serve them well throughout their lives.