Every day counts
It’s safe to say that the Christmas holiday already feels like a distant memory, and the Spring term is already starting to fly by!
This week, we’ve fully settled back into the swing of things, with Singing Assembly making a return, Reception enjoying their river walk, Year 5 heading off to their swimming lessons, and last night was our Castleton meeting for parents. I’m still thoroughly enjoying my daily visits from children coming to show me their achievements – whether it’s interactive river models created as part of their homework, or Reception children showing one more or one less in their maths. It’s always a joy!
One of the things I always like to look at is how well children are attending school at the beginning of a new school term. We all know how hard it can be to get out of the house on those grey mornings, but every single day in school makes a difference. Research shows that children who attend school regularly do better in their learning. They also build stronger friendships and feel more connected to their school.
We’re really proud of our fabulous school culture at Arden, with so much that makes our school unique and such a special place to be. We want every child to feel fully part of it – and that means attending every day possible. Our goal is always to work with you to address any challenges together, and we have fantastic support systems in place should you ever need them.
At Arden, we want every child to succeed. That’s why we’re here to work with you if anything is getting in the way of regular attendance. Good attendance is something we all need to work on together – staff, parents, and pupils. Let’s keep making sure that all of our children have the best possible start in life.
If you’re worried about attendance or need support getting your child to school on time, we’re always here for a chat. Please feel free to contact us at any time! Thank you for being such fantastic partners in your children’s learning.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs J Dunn
Acting Headteacher